Alexander Technique instructor Imogen Ragone and I discuss and practice TheCyCle™ – “a simple yet powerful way to calm your own nervous system and release excess tension from your body.
“In our last video Shay told us about three important coping tools for anyone suffering from stress and trauma. The first one, and possibly the most important, was DOWN-REGULATION. Being able to DOWN-REGULATE is key to interrupting and lowering your stress responses.
“In our fourth conversation, Shay and I discuss TheCyCle™ – a practice she has learned from me which helps her calm her own nervous system. It has become her go-to down-regulation tool. TheCyCle takes only a couple of minutes to do, and you will get the opportunity to learn and experience it for yourself in this video.
“TheCyCle comes directly from the Primal Alexander work of Mio Morales, and I teach it to all my clients. It’s not only a way for you to calm your own nervous system, but also provides a framework in which to practice the type of thinking and awareness that cultivates ease in a way that’s portable and accessible in many situations.” View the full series.
This video was originally broadcast live from Imogen’s Facebook Page
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