The capacity to make good decisions is among many aspects of self that are dependent on sufficient nervous system regulation. Beyond a certain point of dysregulation, we lose our ability to feel love, joy, peace, gratitude, and beauty inside us.
Without awareness, we are in danger of losing these parts of ourselves, particularly under today’s levels of chronic Unpredictable Toxic Stress (CUTS). ✂️
Neuroscience shows toxic or chronic stress reduces access to the prefrontal cortex (PFC), the “make good choices” part of the brain. This is also the region where we plan for the future, manage emotional reactions, and coordinate and adjust complex behaviors. The lessening of these capacities is a handicap. It makes life extra difficult on every level.
For instance, when our stress levels have been too high for too long we are more prone to flip our lids. We do and say things we regret and might even hate ourselves for. But we can’t stop it even when we are aware it’s happening. It feels like we’re driven by something beyond our control. Because we are. Red Alert has hijacked our brain.
When we flip our lids we are driven by entrained neuronal firing patterns in subcortical regions of the brain, particularly the amygdala. Our fight or flight mechanism takes over.
What if, rather than haphazardly lose parts of ourselves due to stress and trauma overload, we were conscious and proactive with preventative measures?
What if we all knew our own signs of regulation and dysregulation?
And what if we all could recognize dysregulation in each other and help each other regulate?
With a widespread basic understanding of Relational Neuroscience, we would enjoy greater experiences of safety and connection. This would foster the sense of well-being from which mental and physical health arise.
In our nation of #Traumerica we would see a decline in the collective distress signals: violence, criminality, substance abuse and addiction, homelessness, mass incarceration, obesity, chronic disease, and an epidemic of mental health conditions.
The basics of Relational Neuroscience are not difficult to learn. Mainly, it’s understanding the concepts and learning the terms for what we already do every day without recognizing. Mindful application of these basic concepts can dramatically improve our lives and positively affect those around us. It’s almost like magic. But it’s science. Beautiful science!
#Science #Neuroscience #relationalneuroscience #interpersonalneurobiology #Ipnb #nervoussystem #nervoussystemregulation #regulation #selfregulation #coregulation #limbicsystem
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