How to save your own life

How to save your own life when the medical system is designed to kill you*:

First, you get really pissed off. You must be determined to keep looking for new avenues and pick whatever seems the most sensible from where you are. You make a commitment to move in that direction, even one baby step a day. Take as many baby steps as you can, especially what you can do regularly. If you can do one thing per day, every day, do that.

You keep focusing on the next close-in small thing you can do. You turn toward the things that generate a sense of goodness inside you, a feeling of well-being, and safe connections. You turn away from the things that cause you to feel defensive, contracted, and protective.

The more you do this, the more you build that goodness into your nervous system. You understand that if you don’t take care of your nervous system by supporting it, you will get old early, die young, and be miserable on the way.

You make this nervous system work as your practice. You know you don’t have to remember all the horrible things that happened to you or even know that something horrible did. You learn that trauma is not necessarily a Big T event; it may be an early abandonment issue or lack of sufficient and attuned parental attention.

You come to think about and try to feel in your body what makes you feel safe and connected and loved. You focus on and move more toward those people, places, things, or memories that feel integrative. When people, places, things, or memories make you feel the other way, you do what it takes to let them go. It can be difficult to “give up” family members and friends because they’re just not good for your nervous system. You send them off with love.

You understand you can tune your nervous system toward safety and connection instead of threat detection, and protection, and that will set you free.

*The mainstream corporatized Western left-brain-oriented “healthcare” system is so ignorant of human neurobiology that it harms trauma survivors, and even kills them. A trauma-uninformed medical system is potentially deadly.

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