Homeschooling is a viable alternative to public- or private school education. There are as many kinds of homeschoolers as there are families homeschooling. As a wise man once put it, you will find a homeschooler any way you slice the American pie.
Contrary to popular imagination, very few homeschoolers “do school” in isolation at the kitchen table. Our children participate in cooperative clubs and community groups, take classes at a variety of locations, play on local sports teams and volunteer at libraries, nature centers, pet rescue centers and more.
We are just as diverse when it comes to educationa style, as well. Some families follow a standard school-type curriculum, but others use part of a curriculum, while some put together their own materials, and some–like myself–utilize interest-led learning or “unschooling.”
Here are links to my favorite sites pertaining to homeschooling:
The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers– The Old Dominion’s fully inclusive, member directed and volunteer driven state homeschool organization. I am proud to be a longtime supporter.
VaEclecticHS Discussion List– A large, active, fully inclusive list for in-depth discussion of issues affecting homeschooling, and for news about media articles and programs, proposed legislation, research, conferences and other information of interest to Virginia homeschoolers. I founded this in 1999 and was amazed to see it grow to over 1,200 members.
Homeschooling in Prince William County, VA– The Prince William County School board, Superintendent and staff are generally compatible with homeschoolers. This is because the local grassroots coalition has worked to inform- and build a bridge between the school division and homeschoolers in the county. Most homeschoolers in PWC will have no problem whatsoever.
Prince William County Homeschool Victory!– A grassroots group of local homeschoolers worked with the school board to eliminate the onerous “approval before removal” clause that imposed a 3-day waiting period on parents who wish to remove a child from school to begin homeschooling. This policy was problematic because some school division personnel were harassing and threatening parents who chose to remove a child from school to begin homeschooling.
Home Education Magazine– The world’s oldest, most informative and most respected homeschool magazine.
Linda Dobson’s “Parent at the Helm” Blog– The easy and fun way to get vital homeschooling information and homeschooling news you need for homeschooling and learning-at-home activities with your children. Grandma Linda Dobson welcomes aboard homeschoolers, after-schoolers, teachers, parents of the gifted, special needs, unmotivated, bored and stressed, families and everyone who knows parental involvement is essential to educational success and homeschooling success.