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Category Archives: Mental Health
The courage it takes to speak up against sexualized violence
I often hear that I am courageous for speaking my truth about sexualized violence in my life and its prevalence in America. Yeah, I know. But what is this courage really about? I’m not courageous because I speak my truth. … Continue reading
The importance of decisive action
Sometimes I’m frustrated that my body needs every freaking thing in little bits! Evidently I’ve overused my hands and wrists messing with clay. And I’m driven to make one more niche. But my body says stop. So I need to … Continue reading
Psychology’s pathologizing terms, evidence of a shame-based paradigm
Psychology’s pathologizing terms hint at the underlying toxic paradigm, which says the therapist is the Great Healer and the client/patient is the Broken Thing That Needs Fixing. Some of the worst pathologizing and shaming terms: “Disorder” presumes there’s something wrong … Continue reading
How to save your own life
How to save your own life when the medical system is designed to kill you*: First, you get really pissed off. You must be determined to keep looking for new avenues and pick whatever seems the most sensible from where … Continue reading
Posted in Mental Health, Nervous System, Neuroscience, Thriving
Tagged mental health, Neurobiology, PTSD, Resilience, Trauma, Trauma Awareness, Trauma Recovery, TraumaSymptoms
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I asked for help and they gave me hell
Five years ago today I walked into a satellite office of the mega-hospital here in Upper Delaware and asked for help with severe Developmental Trauma from extreme Adverse Childhood Experiences. The embedded psychologist must have thought I said I wanted … Continue reading
The importance of safe environments
Every child deserves to grow up in a safe environment that encourages connection. That’s our human birthright, what we’re designed for, and what we need in order to reach our potential. Too many kids experience a lack of safety and … Continue reading
Posted in Mental Health, Safe Medicine
Tagged #PsychologyAbuse, Healthcare in America, psychology, PTSD, Trauma, Trauma Awareness, Trauma Recovery
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In an actual HEALTH CARE system…..
My symptom log shows I’m more than ready for SGB #13. I hope the next two nights aren’t as bad as the past two. This gets old really fast. I need the shot with pulsed Radio Frequency Ablation (pRFA), which … Continue reading
Posted in Mental Health, Nervous System, Neuroscience, Safe Medicine
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People don’t “attract” abusers relationally or karmically
Some have tried to convince me that my experiences of cruelty and contempt have to do with karma, “laws of attraction,” or some other subconscious or spiritual desire or need on my part for a Kozmick Lessin of some kind. … Continue reading
Psychology is a domination system
The mainstream / domination psychology system pathologizes normal human responses to abnormal experiences. It also presses us to fit its definition of humanity and valid human experience. Not to mention, it completely denies oue neurobiology. For instance, it uses the … Continue reading
Harness the Power of Connection and Community
As human beings, connection and a sense of belonging are essential for living and thriving. Sadly it’s not always easy to get these needs met – or not optimally. Enjoy this short video to learn: Why are connection and community … Continue reading
Posted in Community, Education, Mental Health, Nervous System, Predatory Doctors, Thriving
Tagged Community, Connection, Interpersonal Neurobiology, Safety
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