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Tag Archives: Kindness
Physician empathy is a powerful healthcare intervention
As a trauma survivor who has studied Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) for five years, I have learned that empathy is vital to human well-being, especially after trauma, and that, neurophysiologically, I need empathy. It helps integrate the brain, which helps the … Continue reading
Posted in Activism, Healthcare, Interpersonal Neurobiology, Kindness, Nervous System, Neuroscience, Patient Safety, Safe Medicine, Thriving
Tagged #TraumaAwareAmerica, Behavioral Health, Empathy, Kindness, mental health, Neurobiology, physician empathy, psychology, PTSD, Resilience, Trauma, Trauma Recovery
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The “Patel Pause”: building capacity for trust after trauma
A brief, simple protocol of granting and withdrawing consent can help restore patient trust after medical or other trauma. An increased sense of safety and agency in your practice will help traumatized patients return instead of postponing care. The Patel … Continue reading
Posted in Mental Health, Nervous System, Neuroscience, Patient Safety
Tagged Complex PTSD, CPTSD, Developmental Trauma, Healthcare in America, Interpersonal Neurobiology, IPNB, Kindness, mental health, Neurobiology, Neuroplasticity, psychology, PTSD, Trauma, Trauma Awareness, Trauma Recovery
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The half-brother I’ll never meet
Today is my half-brother’s birthday. When I was a teenager my mother told me to commit to memory her first child’s birth date, hospital name, city, and state. I recited them to myself again and again and throughout my life, … Continue reading
Posted in Interpersonal Neurobiology, Mental Health, Nervous System
Tagged Boundaries, brother, family, Family Constellations, home, Kindness, Love, mental health, personal growth, Resilience, Trauma
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Humans as social animals
Human beings are inherently social animals, but, unfortunately, the ability to properly function as a social organism takes a certain set of resources, of which many of us were robbed or never allowed. Proper human functioning is nearly impossible for … Continue reading
Posted in Mental Health, Nervous System, Neuroscience
Tagged #TraumaAwareAmerica, Chronic Stress, Complex PTSD, CPTSD, Developmental Trauma, Kindness, PTSD
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The myth of self-regulation
Healing from trauma requires co-regulation with regulated nervous systems, particularly for those who experienced Developmental Trauma, which most often occurs in relationships. We are MADE to co-regulate. Wired for it. Co-regulation is a biological imperative. That means we cannot survive … Continue reading
Follow me on Facebook for more info on stress/trauma/PTSD/CPTSD
When you follow my TraumaAwareAmerica page on Facebook you can receive and find great info, tips, tidbits, insights, art, news, humor, and more about stress/PTSD/Complex PTSD and recovery, neurobiology, and mental health in general. Be sure to join the TraumaAwareAmerica … Continue reading
Posted in Mental Health
Tagged #TraumaAwareAmerica, Chronic Stress, Complex PTSD, CPTSD, Developmental Trauma, Downregulate, Downregulation, Fun & Magic, Giving & Receiving, Healthcare in America, Imogen Ragone, Inner Growth, Kindness, Learning, mental health, Neuroplasticity, PTSD, Resilience, Trauma Awareness, Trauma Recovery
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Coregulation saved my father’s funeral
My father–whose behavior made him a monster to me–was buried with honors at Arlington National Cemetery in September. I spent weeks readying. I bought dress slacks, pulled together an outfit, worked through my fears, and intensively practiced three lines of … Continue reading
Posted in Mental Health
Tagged #TraumaAwareAmerica, Alexander Technique, Ceremony, Chronic Stress, Complex PTSD, coping tools, family, funeral, Giving & Receiving, guns, gunshot, hyperacusis, Kindness, Love, mental health, PTSD, resources, stress, synesthesia, Trauma, Trauma Recovery
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“Unleash the Ladybug!”
Della the Janked-Up Ladybug helped me launch my tiny-but-pointed #TraumaAwareAmerica initiative. It focuses on trauma awareness/education and the rights of traumatized people. I initially aimed at frontline providers, because they were the ones who could have greatly helped instead of … Continue reading
Posted in Community, Education, Kindness, Mental Health
Tagged #InterpersonalNeurobiology, #Justice, #Neuroscience, #TraumaAwareAmerica, Chronic Stress, Community, Complex PTSD, Covid-19, CPTSD, Developmental Trauma, Giving & Receiving, Healthcare in America, Kindness, Leadership, Learning, Love, mental health, Neurobiology, Neuroplasticity, Pandemic, Personal Calling, PTSD, Resilience, stress, Trauma, Trauma Awareness, Trauma Recovery
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Remembering the man to whom I owe my life
On this Father’s Day I wish to recognize and honor the man to whom I owe my life, even though I only had a short time with him. That was my Granddaddy, my maternal great-grandfather. He was the only grandfather … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Connection, Father, Fathers Day, Giving & Receiving, Granddaddy, Happiness, Kindness, Love, mental health, Resilience, Safety
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Unashamed of my Complex PTSD
A few people have asked my why I talk so much about Complex PTSD, or Developmental Trauma. I am open about my struggles with Complex PTSD and depression in part because I am not ashamed. I have physiological conditions brought on … Continue reading