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Tag Archives: Inner Growth
Unashamed of my Complex PTSD
A few people have asked my why I talk so much about Complex PTSD, or Developmental Trauma. I am open about my struggles with Complex PTSD and depression in part because I am not ashamed. I have physiological conditions brought on … Continue reading
“Resilience in the Time of Covid-19” podcast
As the pandemic rolls on I notice signs of chronic stress and even trauma in friends, family, and acquaintances. They describe symptoms like anxiety, panic attacks, depression, loss of hope, and more. I saw these are mild symptoms of chronic … Continue reading
When your trust is unapologetically broken, forgive yourself
When someone breaks our trust we sometimes feel a sense of lack for having trusted, for having allowed ourselves to be cheated. It’s an element that is often overlooked, though it may have a deep effect. After the sailing disaster of … Continue reading
Posted in Reflections, sailing
Tagged Adventure, Inner Growth, Learning, personal growth, Resilience, Sailing
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The flying fish of fate
A year ago today I met a delightful elderly woman on the train when I traveled from Wilmington DE to Wilmington NC on my way to help with a private yacht transit to East Greenrich RI, over 800 miles away. … Continue reading
Posted in Adventure, Community, Fun & Magic, Kindness, sailing
Tagged Adventure, Community, Fun & Magic, Giving & Receiving, Happiness, Inner Growth, Learning, Love, personal growth, Sailing
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The day I sailed a patio lounge chair
The day I sailed a patio lounge chair, six years ago, I was recovering from the flu and enjoying the unseasonably warm day by resting outdoors. I tried to nap in the sun, but the wind kept calling me to … Continue reading
Posted in Adventure, Fun & Magic, sailing
Tagged Adventure, Happiness, Inner Growth, Personal Calling, personal growth, Resilience, Sailing
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Fingerprints on the land
Ralph Waldo Emerson was right in his assertion that success includes, “To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch…” Last year as I winnowed my belongings when I downsized to “two bags and … Continue reading
Posted in Reflections
Tagged Community, Giving & Receiving, Happiness, Inner Growth, Love, Resilience
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Star of wonder
A concept I came across in recovery from childhood abuse and trauma is that of going back to one’s childhood, to meet the child you were, and give her a gift with some words to go with it. Tell her … Continue reading
Posted in Kindness
Tagged Childhood Sexual Abuse, Giving & Receiving, Happiness, Inner Growth, Kindness, personal growth, Resilience
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Heart like a feather
When my kids were little, I took them to visit a special museum exhibition on ancient Egypt. We learned was that Egyptians believed that only those, who have a heart that weighs no more than a feather, can enter heaven. That means this is … Continue reading
The great give-away
In some Native American cultures, people perform a ceremony called a “give-away” as a public recognition of a new personal status–such as through a wedding, or the naming of a baby–or to express thanks for blessings received. Last year, I … Continue reading
Posted in Kindness
Tagged Ceremony, Community, Giving & Receiving, Happiness, Inner Growth, Kindness, Learning, Love, Personal Calling, personal growth
When pinched for time, slow down
I was running late for an appointment in another state, and realized there was no way I could make it on time. Not even close. Instead of stressing and trying to get there as fast as possible but still failing … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Community, Fun & Magic, Happiness, Inner Growth, Kindness, personal growth